The home has much importance as a consumptive structure in Winter Park, Florida. For instance, the appearance of people’s homes often is representative of their wealth. Some people try to buy homes that “show off” their wealth by owning large, attractive structures that will “impress” people. In Winter Park, many “fancy,” large, and exquisite homes exist that people who are most often upper-class and wealthy own. Some of the older homes have been in families for many generations and are representative of “old money” in Winter Park. “New money” has also moved into Winter Park. For example, some famous people involved in the sports world have built homes for themselves in Winter Park. In recent times, older homes in Winter Park have been torn down and huge homes have been built in their places. The fact that older, more “historic” structures are being destroyed for newer, more modern homes is an example of the dominant consumptive ethos in America today. Today, some people place more emphasis on having bigger, newer, and “better” homes than on preserving the historic charm of an area, in this case, Winter Park.
To explain, Americans embody consumer culture and have since the Gilded Age. A consumptive ethos has been held by most Americans since this time. Today more people are consuming more products than ever before due to the reduced costs and broader variety of items. Shopping at stores such as Wal-Mart and Costco where items have been mass-produced and are bought and sold in large quantities is an example of a way that costs have gone down in America for mass-produced items. Also, the outsourcing of jobs in the production of goods and services to other countries where labor is cheaper is another prime example of a manner in which expenses have been lowered in America for mass-produced items.
People live in homes, obviously, and consume goods in their homes. In addition, people spend money on their homes and the services needed for their upkeep. Homes consume electricity in the forms of air conditioning, heating, powering all of today’s gadgets, lights, sprinkler systems, etc. Homes consume water in sprinkler systems and plumbing. Homes consume natural resources in the ways mentioned above and most obviously when they are constructed. Homes across America, including Winter Park, consume in the above ways.
The home in Winter Park, Florida has further significance as a consumptive structure. People in the wealthier areas of Winter Park pay high property taxes and the money generated by these taxes goes to support public services such as schools, libraries, roads, and parks. When areas are wealthier and have more money going into the property tax revenue, the public services in these areas are of “better” standing generally speaking. On the other hand, public facilities and services are funded with less money, generally speaking, in poorer areas where the tax base revenue is smaller with lower property taxes.
In essence, the home is representative of a consumptive structure in Winter Park because it represents the wealth in some parts of the area and lack thereof in other poorer parts. The home represents the income status and class level of the individuals who inhabit the home. The class level that someone falls into determines the extent to which he/she consumes goods and services.
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