Thursday, February 12, 2009


As a growing city, in late 1800's Chicago was like the rest of North America, a place of many different cultures and races. But a difference of Chicago from the rest of the country was that all of the different cultures had their own distinct communities within the bigger community. They didn't just all meld together, but kept their differences. This was very apparent in the different newspapers around the city, such as the Chicago Tribune that was no doubt written by Anglo-Americans.
The city went through mayors who were for reform, and those were not so. A major item that the Catholics wanted reformed was the accessibility and hours of sale of alcohol. The Germans and Irish were the two groups who were the most heavily involved with alcohol. They owned many taverns and saloons, not to say that others didn't. In 1855 the 'Know Nothing Party', a prohibition party in America, won elections and began making laws again alcohol. Boone was elected, a reformer. Such as raising the price of a liquor license and requiring that all saloons be closed on Sundays. Not only did they do this, but they hired many more Anglo-Americans to make sure that these new laws were enforced. This angered the saloon and tavern owners so much that the Lager Beer Riot of 1885 occurred. After Boone, was a man totally the opposite, a man named Thomas Dyer. He was so totally the opposite of reform, that by the end of his term people were begging for a reformer to be back in office. Following Dyer, was "Long John" Wentworth. 
The biggest recreational activity in Chicago was horse racing. This was very popular. But a growing pastime was baseball. At this time football wasn't popular yet. Chicago got it's first team, the White Stockings. This team drew a lot of attention. So much that a new coach came in to town and took over creating a new baseball team but naming it the same thing: 'The White Stockings". This upset the existing team so much that they disbanded for years, but finally recuperated the team and came back, naming themselves the Cubs. 
This sport was a great way for all of the different classes and groups to come together and bond over the same thing. They all could come to the games and root for the teams. 

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