Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Great Group!

Breakfast at Tiffany’s was a great movie that truly capture the late 1950’s to 1960’s time period, especially the affluent nature of this decade; however, it did not emphasize the Civil Rights movement during this period. The Civil Rights movement grew tremendously. It started with the Brown vs. Board of Education Supreme Court decision to desegregate public schools. After this decision, there was massive white resistance; however, the average American believed that the black community was not asking for that much and that the Civil Rights Movement was a positive movement and that the response to this movement was unquestionable horrible – lynching, firebombing a bus, arrests ect …
Breakfast at Tiffany’s did highlight the change in class structure and the importance of money. Both Holly and Paul pursue relationships in order to get access to the high class society. Also, the film highlights life in a big urban city, New York City. The city life is not focused on family structure but more on the single, fun life. Holly does not even name her cat, who is the closest family that she has in New York. At the end of the movie, I was left with a big question about the character of Holly. She did some morally questionable things in the movie, for example marrying for money; but she also seems to have a good heart and is sincerely confused about the role that she played at Sing Sing prison. Also, at the end she did end up with Paul, the man that she seems to truly care about and love.
The best aspect of this History Through Film assignment was my group. I was the group leader and it was a great experience. Everyone in my group pulled their weight and turned in their parts on time. It was a great experience and I would like to be in the same group for the next film paper.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with Nicole - I enjoyed the groups and would appreciate being able to work with this great team for the next History in Film Assignment.
