Saturday, November 21, 2009


According to the syllabus, 3-4 images from either the archives or another legitimate source must be included in our paper. The archives here, while dusty, did not contain the sort of pictures I needed. On the WorldCat database there is an advanced search for digital sources and pictures. Here I was able to find many archival sources from libraries around the country and special collections. Most of these were not available for interlibrary loan, even just photographs of the archival sources. One book, however, was incredibly helpful. William Bartram, 1739-1823 : watercolours & drawings, including those made on his travels in Carolina, Georgia, & Florida during the 1770s contains information about the contents and themes of nearly all his drawings and paintings while on his expedition. All the beautiful images are on pages triple the size of a normal text book’s pages. Additionally, the different editions of Bartram’s Travels… contain maps and images of the actual places and animals Bartram saw on his trip. This helps to give a surreal dimension to the more idealistic drawings provided by Bartram. Thanks to all these pictures I did not have to use any sort of images from the archives.

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