Sunday, September 14, 2008

Second Post- Women's Tennis, 1940's

After exploring this topic in greater detail, I have discovered a few new issues which I plan to discuss.  For instance, the fact that women's organized sports teams were insignificant at this time, proved Rollins' dedication to its team.  Since the end of the nineteenth century, this has been an interesting topic of discussion.  Women's sports teams were severely suppressed until around the 1970's and still continued to be topped by the men's teams for years to come.  The main issue at this time was that society viewed women as being dainty and neat, as opposed to an intense athlete.  In order to specifically relate this topic to the women's tennis team at Rollins College in the 1940's, I need to continue to find more articles and sources which apply.  Since the team was so prosperous, it is difficult to find information pertaining to this, however as such an interesting topic, it will definitely be worth exploring further. 

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